Filter Set


Filter Set
Filter Specs: Sed-5M/Carb -10M
Filter Set - complete with filter housings,
mounting bracket, wrench and 20"
sediment filter and 20" carbon filter-1"
in-out–pressure tested

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063
Flush Valve
15 micron filter with a built-in manual flush valve
to purge built-up sediments in the bottom of the filter.
The self-cleaning sediment filter is 3/4" in/out PVC.
Flow rates to 10 GPM. 15 micron filter will initially
clean the water so the replacement sediment
cartridges (usually at 5 micron) will have a much
longer service life.

Call for Quote: US (800) 728-3420 Int. (201) 750-1063